Permissions and project access

If you are the account owner or have the required permissions then you can give access to project and add/remove permissions

Breeze has four types of users:

  1. Account owner - can create new projects, add/remove all people and grant permissions, manage account billing.
  2. Admin - can create new projects, add/remove all people and grant permissions.
  3. User - can create new projects, add/remove people from their projects.
  4. Client - can add comments to tasks, upload files to comments and optionally move tasks around.

All the users have only access to the projects they are invited to. Only the account owner can see all the projects.

To change permissions:

  1. Click on your name on the top right corner.
  2. From the drop down choose "Invite and manage people".
  3. Click on the user name in the list.
  4. Add permissions or give access to projects. Update credit card details