Report types

Breeze has a comprehensive list of reports that instantly show you what's happening in your projects.

Run reports

Time tracking

Time tracking report shows you all the time entries grouped by projects in a simple list. You can group the time tracking report by users and tasks. Just select the appropriate report type.


The tasks report shows you all the tasks that were updated in the selected period.

The date filter works by task last updated field - updating name, description, todos, comments or any other task attribute will also update the task update date and it'll show up in the report.

Tasks due

Tasks due grouped by users report shows you all the tasks and todos that are due on the selected time period. The results are grouped by users. This is a good report to use to get an overview what your teammates are doing and if they are underworked or overworked.

Tasks due grouped by projects report shows you all the tasks and todos that are due on the selected time period and groups them by project

Task completion

The task completion report shows you how long a task has been on the board or how long it took to finish the task. You can also think of it as how long it took a task to move from left of the board to the right. It can be used to analyze the time required to complete tasks and to make improvements in the project. The clock starts when a task is added to the board and stops when you reach the end.

The chart vertical axis shows you how long a task has been on the project board and the horizontal axis shows the last time the task was moved.

Project totals

The project totals report shows you the total amount of time tracked and estimated on each project. It's similar to the time tracking report but shows you only the totals.