Blog post cover

How to choose a project management software in 5 easy steps

Jul 25
Contents Define Your Needs Size Up Your Team Identify Must-Have Features Research and Compare Make a Decision Picking the...
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Can AI be used in project management?

Jun 25
Summary AI can be used in project management software, but its use cases are still limited. AI is good...
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New features in Breeze: calendar on mobile, Dropbox upload

Jun 13
We are happy to announce two awesome new updates for Breeze. For our mobile app users, get ready to...
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Can Project Management Be Automated?

Jun 3
If you're dealing with project management, then you know how important it is to carefully plan, communicate clearly, and...
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ClickUp vs Basecamp vs Breeze: Which one should you use in 2024?

May 22
Basecamp and ClickUp are well-known for helping teams plan their work, manage tasks, and collaborate on projects. However, that’s...
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What is the difference between task management and project management?

May 16
You've likely heard of the terms task management and project management and while you may think they're interchangeable, they're...
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Avoiding unnecessary bells & whistles in projects with gold plating

Apr 29
When you're planning your project, it's easy to lose focus and get distracted by new and exciting ideas. This...
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Write a review for Breeze and earn $10

Apr 24
Let us know what you think about Breeze. All kind of feedback is welcome. New ideas, issues, bugs, and your...
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How to deliver projects exactly as planned by avoiding scope creep

Apr 9
As a project manager, team leader, or business owner, your aim is to deliver projects with precision, despite challenges...
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How to write an effective meeting agenda

Mar 19
Meetings are important to modern work culture. Meetings allow collaboration, decision-making, and progress tracking. However, they can also be...
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New features in Breeze: project forms update

Mar 4
In our continuous quest to redefine simplicity and efficiency in project management, we're thrilled to bring you the latest...
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Project management software vs. project management tools

Feb 12
Effective project management is essential for organizations to achieve their goals efficiently. However, with the variety of tools and...