
HipChat is hosted group chat and IM for companies and teams. Supercharge real-time collaboration with persistent chat rooms, file sharing, and chat history.

From Breeze you can send all your project updates to HipChat chat rooms.

Enable the integration

HipChat integration must be enabled for each project separately.

  1. Open the project you want to add the integrations
  2. Click on the small gear on the left of the screen
  3. Click on the “Project settings” link
  4. Scroll to the HipChat section
  5. Enter your HipChat token - example, 089ec1971860f24edaaab760ddcf28
  6. Enter your HipChat room name - example, myroom

Enable HipChat integration

Getting the HipChat token

To get the HipChat token go to https://api.hipchat.com/admin/api

  1. Scroll to the section "Create new token”
  2. Choose type “Notifications” from the drop down menu
  3. Enter “breeze” to the label box
  4. Click “Create”

HipChat token

Now the token is created

Copy the token from the "API Auth Tokens” sections and paste it in to the HipChat token section in Breeze. HipChat token