New in Breeze: Updates for chat and notes, new charts for reports and more

By Breeze Team on Aug 10

Here's a list of updates and new features we've added to Breeze over the past month. It's all based on our users feedback and suggestions. Please send us all your ideas and comments. You can quickly tweet us at @BreezeTeam or send an email to for longer ideas and queries.

Project totals report graphs

We updated the project totals reports and added some new graphs for visualization. The project totals report shows you the total amount of time tracked and estimated across projects.

Project totals report

On the left, you'll see a column chart and on the right pie charts with the same information. If you don't have any estimates then all the charts will only show time tracking information.

If you are using project groups to organize projects then the results are also grouped. You can drill down in the graphs by click on them.

You can also share all the reporting publicly. That way anybody can view them and they don't need an account in Breeze.

Email & push notifications

We enabled email and push notifications for mentions in chat and notes. You don't have to do anything for them to works and they are enabled by default.

You'll also get a new email notification with only the chat and notes mentions.

If you haven't noticed yet then you can enable desktop notification to receive notifications right on your desktop.

Searching chat messages

You can now use the global search in Breeze to search for chat messages. The search result includes chat messages by default and you can also only filter by chat messages.

Chat messages search

The team chat feature is something we recently added and there are other updates coming soon.

Updates for notes

You can now use @user mentions in the project notes. They work just like in tasks and comments - the mentioned user receives a notification in Breeze and an email.

Mentioning users

Notes are also now copied over when you use project templates to start a new project.

Sample project template

We added a short list of default sample projects to projects. They are meant to get you started with new projects and can also be used as an inspiration.

Sample projects