Introducing project timelines: Get the big picture of your work

By Breeze Team on Mar 27

Everyone who works with projects should never forget the big picture. Getting the overall view can be difficult if there isn't a way to automatically get it. The last thing you need is another tool to type in all your tasks and deadlines. To help you with that we are announcing the timeline view - a simple overview of all your projects.

We designed the timeline for work planning so that you can have a visual overview of what's being worked on, who's working on what, where things are in a workflow and how much time it takes. The timeline automatically creates a project plan that helps you stay on schedule.

You can learn more about timelines and use our guide how to make project timelines.

How does the timeline work

With the new timeline, every project automatically comes with a project schedule. You don't need to create a new schedule. You only have to open the timeline view on the calendar to see it.

Project timeline

The timeline works just like the other calendars - month, agenda and team workflow. The timeline shows you all the projects that have due dates, and task and to-dos with due dates. You can drag and drop to change dates, or resize the events to shorten or lengthen.

It's also important to see how projects work together and if something is overlapping. That's why you see multiple projects in the timeline. Projects that don't have any events don't show up in the calendar. That way we can keep the timeline tidy and noise free. But as soon as you add one event with a date then you'll see it.

Zoom in and out. By default, the timeline is set to month view. You can also zoom in to a week view or zoom out to 3-month view. This lets you focus on details or get a bigger picture of your timeline.

You build your timeline in every project by adding due dates to tasks, to-dos and projects. If you ever need then you can also add tasks directly to the timeline. This lets you plan your work visually.

All the other standard filters and bookmarking also work for the timeline calendar.

It’s all about the overview

With the new timeline, you can automatically map out your project plans. You can see deadlines and how tasks across projects connect. The timeline will help you stay on track from start to finish so you can finish projects on time.

Need something even more powerful? Breeze also has a fully functional Gantt chart solution. To keep Breeze simple and lean we made it a simple separate app. Head over to Ganttile and log in with you Breeze username and password. It's free for all Breeze user