Integration with GitHub
What exactly is GitHub anyway?
You may have heard that GitHub is a code sharing and publishing service, or that it’s a social networking site for programmers. Both statements are true, but neither explain exactly why GitHub is special. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, but it adds many of its own features. While Git is a command line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface. It also provides access control and several collaboration features, such as a wikis and basic task management tools for every project. There's a nice article on TechCrunch about GitHub,
Integration with Breeze
Enabling the integration is very easy. Head over to your project and open the projects settings window. Click on the "Link GitHub repos" button. You'll be taken to GitHub page for authentication and after that you'll be redirect back to Breeze.
Now you can choose the repositories you want to be notified about.

Breeze configures a post web hook to GitHub that allows us to receive commit messages. By enabling the integration you we'll be also shown the task ID on every card, this makes it possible for you to reference them in commit messages.
Breeze lets you to manipulate the status of tasks within your projects directly from your repository commit messages. Breeze parses the commit messages and closes, moves or tracks time on tasks. Every commit will also add a comment to the task with the commit message.
The commands that can be used in your commit messages are as follows:- Reference task - #task_id, will reference the tasks and add a comment to it.
- Mark as done - fix,fixes,fixed,close,closed,closes,done will change the status of the specified task to "done".
- Move task to list - m:LIST_NAME will move the task to the specified list. The list name is case insensitive, if you have spaces in the name use camel case (ListName) .
- Track time - t:1:30 will create a time entry with a given number of hours for the specified task You can use multiple formats for the time string - 1h, 1h30m, 1:30, 30m.
- Mention users - @username will create mention notification for the user.
Here are some examples of how to use the commands:
git commit -am '#3672, #3673 and #8623 and closes #5126'
git commit -am 'log time , #4326 t:1:30'
git commit -am 'move to done, #4326 m:done'
If your Github email address matches your Breeze email address then the comments will be associated with you or the user who made the commit.
Keeping developers and project managers updated and in sync can be difficult. With this new feature you don't have to change your current workflow, you can user your favorite code management tool to update tasks in Breeze.