Product updates: hide tasks, assign to everybody, estimates in calendar, and more

By Breeze Team on Jun 17

We are constantly updating Breeze, fixing bugs, tweaking existing features and adding new features. Some of it you may not notice, but here's a list of updates you should find helpful.

Hide single tasks

You can now hide single tasks on the project board. Tasks that are hidden are not visible to client users. You can find the option on the task side menu.

Hide single task

To help you distinguish the hidden tasks we added a gray background to them. Don't forget that you can also hide entire task lists.

Assign and subscribe tasks to everybody

Have you ever needed a quick way to assign a task to everybody in your team? Now you can do it quickly by selecting the "Select all" option.

Assign task to everybody

This new option is also available when you subscribe users to a task.

Task estimates in the calendar

To help you plan your work we added task estimates to the calendar. You can now see the total estimate on the task.

Task estimates in the calendar

This option is not enabled by default and you can enable it under the calendar settings.

Filter project activities

To help you drill and see what's happening in your projects we updated the filtering options. You can now filter by multiple projects and users at the same time.

Filter project activities Activities filter by multiple users and projects

Add users to all projects

When creating new projects then adding users to it can be a chore. To make it easier you have the option to add a user to all new projects by default. You can find the option under the user permission. We updated this option and added it also to the account owner.

Add users to all projects

When you disable this option for the account owner then the account owner is no longer added to all the new projects. This lets users have private projects inside your team.

New logo for Breeze

Last but not least Breeze has a new logo! It's made of three elements.

  • Upward pointing arrow to represent a beginning or start, quickness, growth, success, flexibility, and simplicity.
  • Progress graph bar to represent the progress of a task or a project.
  • Checkmark to represent task management, accomplishment, easy task and job.

The new logo also has more color to keep it light and cheerful.

We also like to thank everybody who have provided much valuable feedback on Breeze and suggested new features. If you have any ideas or requests then please let us know and we'll add them to our to-do list.