New in Breeze: Home tab for tasks, projects, and more
We're happy to announce a new Home tab feature in Breeze . You certainly noticed the new feature when you logged in to Breeze. Here's a quick overview on the new Home tab are and how it works. We welcome your feedback and are happy to answer any questions you may have. We can be reached on Twitter @BreezeTeam or by sending an email to

Home tab for your tasks
The Home tab is going to be your new home tab when you log in to Breeze. It gives you a quick overview what you need to work on, quickly open projects, statistics, and more.
The idea behind the new Home tab is that it's divided in to sections and you can add widgets there. Every widget is going to give a quick summary overview of your work. We're starting of with 2 widgets - recent projects and work schedule.
Recent projects
The recent projects widget shows you the last 5 projects that you opened. This makes is possible to quickly go to the last project and start working where you left off last time.

You can see the status, users, dates, and color of each project. The project list is always sorted with the most recently opened project on the top.
Your work schedule
The work schedule widgets shows you all tasks, to-dos, estimates, projects that are assigned to you and have start date or due date. It wont show any other tasks. If you would like to see the full calendar with all the tasks assigned to other people then pleas open the full calendar page.
The work schedule widget is like a daily agenda that lets you know what you need to work on each day. It's a quick and easy way to get an overview of your daily tasks.

On the left side of the widget you can see a monthly calendar with small dots that represent a task, project, to-do, or an estimate. On the right side of the widget is the day with all the events.
You can choose which types of events to show from the top right corner of the widget.
The events are sorted by time - all day events at the top and events with time at the bottom. You can click on the events and edit them like in any other part of Breeze.
More widgets coming
We're planning to more widgets to the home page. The whole page will be customisable and you can add and remove widgets. You can see only the information you need and make it your own - statistics about projects, tasks, estimates and time tracking, and much more.
Please send us your feedback on the new page and what kind of widgets you would like to see.