Blocked and on hold statuses for tasks
Breeze has very effective project boards that gives you a good overview of your tasks. You can have task lists like ideas, todo and done and move tasks between them. Sometimes your tasks are temporarily on hold or blocked, you would like to somehow mark them as blocked or on hold. Before this update your only option would have been to make lists named blocked and on hold. This is a good solution and works fine if you have small number of list, but if your board has more lists than fit the screen then this can make the board hard to manage. To help you with this we are introducing two new fixed statuses for tasks: on hold and blocked.
Give task a status
Before you could only mark task as done, with this update you have two more options: on hold and blocked. You can see the task status on top of the task card, it has a small colored vertical background with text.
To change the status of a task open it, click on the "Mark" link and choose the status from the drop down menu.

Now you can see the status of a task on your project board.

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to quickly mark tasks as done, on hold or blocked. Hover over the task with our mouse and press one of the following keys:
- q - mark task as done or undone
- h - mark task as on hold or not on hold
- b - mark task as blocked or not blocked
Pressing the keyboard shortcut key twice means that you clear the marked status.
Filter tasks
You can also filter your project board based on the new statuses. Click on the "Filter tasks" link to bring up the menu.

Click on the checkboxes to show or hide the tasks.
The same options are available on the "Tasks" page.

By default Breeze doesn't show the tasks that are marked as done. You can change the settings and Breeze will remember them.
Hide lists from tasks view and automatically mark as done
This update also has something extra that makes your job even easier. You can now hide tasks lists from "Task" view and have Breeze automatically mark tasks as done when they are moved to a specific list.

Check the "Don't show this list on task page" checkbox to exclude this task list from the "Tasks" page. Check the "Mark tasks as done if move to this list" checkbox to automatically mark tasks as done when they are moved to this list.
We hope the new functionality makes your life easier. Thanks for the ideas and feedback.
Update: by poplar demand we also added the status "Ready", it has a green background.