Templates for projects, tasks and to-do lists

By Breeze Team on Sep 22

We are happy to make your life even easier with Breeze. We just released a bunch of new features that allows you to copy projects, tasks and to-do lists. This saves you time when you have a lot of similar tasks or to-do lists.

Project templates

You can use any of your projects as a template, but it's even easier than that. You don't have to make the templates, you can just copy any of your projects. To copy one of your projects just start a new project and choose the desired project from the drop down.

Project template

Breeze copies everything from the project - users, budgets. lists and tasks.

Copy your tasks

We made a slight change to the right hand side menu and hid away some of the options. The main reason for this was to keep the interface clean and simple. To access the tasks copying functionality click on the "More..." link and rest of the options slide down. Copying tasks works just like moving, type the project name and then select the list.

Task template

You can copy the task to a different project or the current project.

Copying to-do lists

If you have a lot similar to-dos that you need to have on your tasks then now it's easy to copy them. To copy a to-do list click on the little triangle next to the "Add a to-do list" link. Choose the desired to-do list and click on "Copy it".

To-do list template

You can only copy to-do lists from the tasks that are in the current project.