Tagging and filtering

By Breeze Team on Apr 6

Breeze gets better and better with every update, this time we have something special for everybody. The most request features - tagging and filtering.


The tagging system is really easy to use - you don't have to create tags or delete them, no specially managing interface. Just open the task you wan't to tag and it type the tag names, if the tag exists then you can select it from the drop down. Otherwise, just type the tag name and it will be automatically created for you. The same is for deleting, if a tag is not attached to any card it will be automatically deleted.

You can create and tag tasks with multiple tags at once, separate the tag names with commas. Ex. tag1, tag2, tag2
Tags are unique to each project because projects can have different users.


Filtering tasks helps you get a better overview whats going on and who's doing what. You can filter tasks on your project boards, just click the small gear on left of the screen and then the link "Filter tasks". Tasks can be filtered by color, tag and users.

Breeze remembers all your filters and when you come back to your board it will be automatically filtered.