A quick way to add tasks and find what you need on the mobile

By Breeze Team on Nov 30

We just updated Breeze mobile apps and added a couple of new features, made some optimizations and fixed tons of bugs. You can now quickly create tasks and we added search functionality.

The updated apps are already released and available in the app stores. Get it from the app store for your iOS devices and get it from Google Play for Android devices.

Quick task add

We added a new feature that makes creating new tasks much easier and quicker. Tap on the "Add" tab to add new tasks or see the latest tasks created. When adding tasks you can choose the project, swimlane, list and fill out the name and description.

Quick task add - mobile

Click on the tasks to go directly to Breeze and add any extra information. It is similar to our Chrome widget that lets you create tasks anywhere.

Search, find exactly what you need

When you are trying to find a specific task, todo or a comment then it can be difficult because over time you have accumulated a lot of tasks in your projects. To help you find exactly what you need we added a search feature to the mobile app. It has the same functionality as in the web app. Type in your query and you'll get back results from tassk, comments, todos, files etc. Tapping on the result opens the task details window that let you navigate to the desired location. You can find the search under the "More" tab in the "Actions" section.

Search task on mobile

There are also a lot of optimizations for iOS 11 and initial support for iPhone X.