Tasks on mobile apps

By Breeze Team on Nov 17

We update our mobile apps and added a new tasks page to them.

This is the same view that you can see on the web app. Now it's also available on your mobile device. You can quickly see what tasks are assigned to you and what needs to be done. It's a good way to track your progress when you are on the go.

You can sort the tasks by due date and project. We use all the same filtering options as on the web app. This means that if you are filtering by project, lists, tags or status then they are automatically used on the mobile app also.

Your tasks sorted by due date Your tasks sorted by projects

By default, we show tasks and todos that are assigned to you, but you can also filter by other users. You can find the filtering option under the top dots menu.

You can find the updated apps from Apple app store and Google Play. We have a lot of updates planned for the mobile apps. Stay tuned!