Tag management, task filters and time tracking drill down

By Breeze Team on Nov 7

Here's a list of small updates, that you might have missed, we added over the past weeks.

Tag management

We added a place where you can manage all your tags. You can find it by clicking on your name and choosing the option "Add & manage tags". The link is only visible to admin users. The tag management page lists all the tags in the projects you have access to. You can also add new tags and manage existing ones from here.

Tag management

You can still manage tags the old way also. All tags are also created when you first use them and deleted when they are not associated with any task.

Task filters

The tasks page filtering got a small overhaul and we added two new filtering options. You can now filter by project and task list.

My task filters

Time tracking drill down

Another small update we added is the possibility to see not billable time in tasks and reports. Move your mouse over the time pill in the task windows and you'll see a breakdown of tracked billable and not billable time.

Task time tracking drill down

The same is also now visible on the reports chart. Move your mouse over the column and you'll see the drill down.

Report time tracking drill down