More triggers and actions for Zapier integration

By Breeze Team on Feb 17

We updated our Zapier integration and added more options that you can use. We now also support Zapier triggers.

What is Zapier?

Zapier gives you the power to integrate Breeze with hundreds of other apps to automate your work. In Zapier you create Zaps. A Zap is a connection between two apps that automates time-consuming tasks.

Zappier has two main concepts - triggers and actions. They are simply events you can use to build an integration, or "Zap". They can be things like a "new email", "find lead" or a "new contact". A Zap combines triggers and actions — whenever the trigger event occurs, Zapier automatically completes all actions for you!

Actions and Triggers for Breeze

A trigger is something that happens in an app that you want to be the start of a zap's workflow. Here's a list of triggers supported by Breeze.

New project

Triggers when a new project is created.

New task

Triggers when a new task is created.

New comment

Triggers when a new comment is added to a task.

New time entry

Triggers when a time entry is added to a task.

User assigned to task

Triggers when a user is assigned to a task.

Due dates set to task

Triggers when a start date or due date is set to a task.

Task status updated

Triggers when a task status is updated.

An action is something your zap does after a trigger occurs. Here's a list of actions supported by Breeze.

Create a new task

Creates a new task to the selected project.

Create a new project

Creates a new project.

Zapier gives you internet superpowers. It's easy to create Zaps for Google Calendar, Google Docs, Email and many more services. You can start using Zapier by accepting the invite.