Export for Gantt charts
We just released an update to our Gantt chart tool Ganttile. Now you can export the charts in multiple formats.
This update includes 3 options for export:
PDF - the most versatile option, send or include in other documents.
Image - you'll get a PNG file, a good format to include in web pages.
Excel - list of tasks with dates and durations.
You can find the export link at the top right corner. Click on it to open the menu.

Printing the chart
You can print the exported PDF file by splitting the page across multiple sheets of paper (called "tiling"). The tiling option calculates how many sheets of paper are needed. You can adjust the size of the original to best fit the paper and specify how much each "tile" overlaps. You can then piece together the tiles.
Tiling is supported by Adobe Reader. Here's the guide how to use tiling. Adobe Reader 9 or earlier do not offer the tiling option.