Multiple projects in Ganttile charts

By Breeze Team on Nov 7

We are happy to announce a small but important update to Ganttile. Now you can see multiple projects at once on one Gantt chart.

What's Ganttile?

Ganttile is small app we made that lets you turn Breeze projects into Gantt charts. We'll turn your task list to milestones in the Gantt chart and sort the tasks by date under each milestone. You don't need a separate account, you can log in with your Breeze user and you'll find all projects there. You don't have to waste time by exporting projects from Breeze to other apps to get a project plan. All the information is already in Ganttile, you can link tasks, see the timeline and much more.

Best of all - it's free for all Breeze users.

Multiple projects

Head over to Ganttile and you'll see a new dropdown at the top of the screen. Select your projects and press the Show button.

Search filters

We hope this update make your project planning easier. Stay tuned for more updates.