Gantt charts for Breeze

By Breeze Team on Jul 25

We are happy to release a new tool to help you better plan your projects. We call it Ganttile - it's a tool for creating Gantt charts from Breeze projects. With the new app, you don't have to waste time by exporting projects from Breeze to other apps to get a project plan. All the information is already in Ganttile, you can link tasks, see the timeline and much more.

You can find Ganttile at Head over and log in with your Breeze username and password. All your projects and tasks are already there.

Breeze Gantt chart

Editing tasks

  • To edit a task, double click on the bar in the timeline or on the task record in the grid. Then, make the changes and click: "Save" - to save the changes, "Cancel" - to cancel the changes.
  • To change the start (end) date of a task, drag the task along the timeline area.
  • To change the duration of a task, hover the cursor over the task bar and drag the bar by the left or right border.
Gantt task editing

Linking tasks

  • To add a new link for a task, hover the cursor over the task and drag the round handle at the start (end) of the task to a round handle of the other task.
  • To delete a link, double click on the link and click "Delete" in the confirm window.
Gantt task linking

This is just the first version of Ganttile and we have more features planned. Here's a list of features that are planned:

  • Adding tasks
  • Reordering tasks
  • Showing assigned people
  • Critical path management
  • Exporting to PDF and images
  • Usability improvements

Try it out and send us all your feedback. This helps us better understand your needs.