Billable and non-billable hours

By Breeze Team on Jun 24

Tracking time spent and billable hours doesn't have to be difficult, even if you work on multiple projects and not all of your hours are billable. To help you with this we added the option to mark your hours in Breeze as billable or non-billable.

Billable or non-billable hours?

You can define billable work as having the following components:

  • You're doing something that is directly related to the project
  • You wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the project
  • It's reasonable that you should be doing this

Non-billable time is usually spent on internal meetings, calls or emails, overcoming miscommunication, or things like fixing bugs, code refactoring and code review, etc.

Logging billable time

By default all the hours are marked as billable. You can make them non-billable by clicking on the link behind the entry.

Billable and non billable time entries

The reports are also updated and now you can filters the result by billable and non-billable status.

Billable and non billable reports

We hope this update makes your work and reporting more accurate.