Time tracking permissions for clients

By Breeze Team on Mar 9

Breeze is a great tool for working with your clients. You are all on the same page and can share all the tiny details. But sometimes you might want to limit what the client sees. Until now you had the option to hide comments and task lists from clients. Now you can also hide the time tracking entries and task estimates.

You can enabled the permissions per user. The new options are:
  • Can see time tracking info - this hides the time tracking entries, enabled by default.
  • Can see task estimates - this hides the task estimates, enabled by default.

You can set the permission from the teams page.

Hide time tracking from clients

They are also visible on the person page.

Limit time tracking info from clients

When you disable either of them then we also hide the reports page because all reports have some sort of time tracking or estimates information.